Getting To Know… Fanny Quest
I started modelling after somebody came up to me at a party in Germany and asked me if I was interested in it. I went for a test shoot the next day and it went well, so that’s how it began. After I finished school, I didn’t really know what I wanted to study. I decided that, before I ended up studying something that I didn’t really like, I should come to England to get life experience. When I moved to Brighton, I went to the casting for Brighton Fashion Week. It was a really great opportunity and one of the best experiences of my life.
I see modelling like art. It’s not just a picture on paper but should really represent a person. I think I’m a very happy and friendly person and I try to bring that across.
I would really like to travel all over the world. I want to stay in England at first and, if modelling works out, I’d love to go to New York for a while because I’ve heard it’s an amazing place. I think being in Paris must be nice. There’s so much stuff you need to see in your life, to get to know what you really like.
Aside from modelling, I’d like to do something with media and communication. I would like to be a presenter because I love to talk – I am very talkative and open to people. But if this doesn’t work, I would love to have my own bakery. My passion is baking, cooking and presenting food.
I’m currently listening to lots of jazz. I love jazz. And old music like The Beatles. Happy music. I don’t like commercial stuff like Lady Gaga.