Getting to Know Demi Mitchell

Newcastle’s Demi Mitchell recently released her debut album. We asked her to tell us about herself: 

I am… Demi Mitchell, a singer-songwriter from the beautiful city of Newcastle. My favourite things to make are playlists and delicious toasties. I just released a new record and am still buzzing that it’s been pressed onto vinyl! It’s both exciting and daunting to have such personal songs out in the world, I’m hoping they make some nice connections with some lovely strangers out there.

The Overflow is… the title track of my new album. Inspired by a book called ‘Seducing The Demon’ by Erica Jong about the mystical idea of the muse and connecting to something above ourselves in order to create. It’s my love song to the personification of songwriting, asking to be overwhelmed with emotion and ideas for writing.

My current tour is… going well, I’ve enjoyed playing to familiar faces and meeting new people that are digging the record. Looking forward to playing with Dan Parsons 26th August at Leadbelly’s Sydney and launching the album in my hometown of Newcastle on 29th August at Coal and Cedar. It’ll be an intimate show at a local whiskey bar where the lights are dim and the drinks are stellar.

Home is… my safe place surrounded by my books, record collection, guitars and pieces of paper with scribbled words. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m a real homebody and need the stability of a constant place, which is difficult when you’re a musician pondering the idea of regular touring. Especially in an industry where you can only make money from touring. Hint hint… as great as streaming services can be, try and buy merch from the artists you like to keep them going!

I spend too much time… paralysed by indecision. I don’t know how much I buy into astrology but I really do fit all the clichés of being a Gemini. I’m always in two minds about basically everything and drive everyone around me nuts with my questions. I’ve really taken to flipping a coin for all decisions big and small.

I’ve never… been good at stage banter. Sometimes I wonder whether my nervousness and melancholic songs make people think I’m a really serious person, the reality is I’m as silly as a wheel 🙂

It might surprise people to learn that… teenage me was a diehard metal fan. The guitar I play now is a Schecter that I got at 16 when I was determined to shred so I could show up the boys in music class at school. I still love the guitar but unfortunately never made it to shred status \m/

The Overflow is out now and you can catch Demi Mitchell at the following venues:

Sunday, 26th August – Sydney, Leadbelly’s
Supporting Dan Parsons

Wednesday, 29th August – Newcastle, Coal & Cedar
Newcastle Album Launch

Keep up to date with Demi on Facebook.

bobby townsend


Interview by Bobby Townsend. Photo by Lazy Bones.