Getting to Know High Tropics

Sunshine-coast indie-rock band High Tropics have released their new single ‘Feel The Same’. We asked them to tell us about themselves:
I am…. Josh Stewart, a Queensland-based songwriter and recording/performing artist with my band, High Tropics.
Feel the Same is… the latest High Tropics release. It’s about our expectations, perception and how we often chase things or set goals with the idea that all of your problems will be fixed if we are just able to reach those milestones. However, a lot of the time nothing actually changes, or we may find out it’s not what we wanted in the first place.
Home is… the beautiful Sunshine Coast. Originally coming from South Africa, I am so grateful for where I live now. Being a coastal town we’re kind of cut off from the industry in a way. You never really have to worry that there’s a label head or booking agent in the crowd – and while that does hinder networking opportunities, it’s really allowed us to just let go and have fun on stage. While I wish that we had more venues to play here, I love the coastal lifestyle.
I spend too much time… on the computer or on my phone scrolling through FB posts I’ve already seen 10 times that day. It’s not good! The computer is less bad because I’m usually doing productive things i.e. writing or recording, sending emails or doing interview pieces like this. But the phone addiction actually seems quite unhealthy!
I’ve never… been able to make myself burp voluntarily. Weird I know (and super inconvenient in my younger years with beer bongs), not so much a problem now days though.
It might surprise people… I’m currently learning Spanish and plan to be fluent in reading and writing by the end of the year (accurate pronunciation is a bit harder). Working on a new song that has a Salsa-vibe. I’ve only got the opening line at the moment, but I think it could be something cool – Yo necesito dinero.
Keep up to date with the band on Facebook.