Six things you didn’t know about Jade Bird

London-based singer, songwriter and performer Jade Bird has been smashing it in 2019, picking up plaudits everywhere she goes, and also releasing her self-titled debut album via Glassnote Records. We asked her to tell us six things about herself:

I’m a poker shark 😉 I love playing poker with my band on the tour bus after a gig, we have all really got into it and I have my own chips and everything… I always win, haha!

I am constantly writing new songs. I love writing songs, I always have and I try and write a new one every day if I can, even if I am on the road. It’s such an important part of me as an artist and I am constantly trying to explore new things.

I can eat a whole chicken in one sitting. This is a skill that I am not really sure when I found out I had, but its impressive… I’m only 5ft 3in

I play guitar and piano. People normally see me with a guitar, so sometimes they don’t know I can play piano as well, but that was actually the instrument I learnt first and then I came to find guitar when I started writing songs. Come to a gig and you will see me play both!

I love dogs. I am obsessed with dogs, I love them, hopefully, one day I can have a tour dog and I can take them on the tour bus with me.

The bingo hall is where its at. After rehearsals I started going to the bingo hall with my band, it’s open all night so quite convenient when you are finishing late, haha!

Keep up to date with Jade on her website.

Her album is out now in all the usual places.