Interview: Getting to know ZEKIEL

Sydney-based alternative hip-hop artist ZEKIEL has just unveiled his new single. We asked him to tell us about himself:
I am… ZEKIEL, A.K.A ZF, A.K.A ZED.KNOWS.NOTHING. I’m a rapper / songwriter / artist based out of Sydney, Australia.
Skipping School… is just a song. GO TO CLASS – SKIP SCHOOL, I honestly don’t give a shit. I feel like school is so different for everyone, depending on who you are and what you look like… whether you get along with your teachers or put the effort in, everybody approaches it differently, so everyone has a different experience. Ideally, we would all graduate, like Billy Madison the second time around, but sometimes skipping school is easier and fun. A suspension really isn’t the end of the world.
Home is… where the heart is. I know that is cliché as hell… but clichés are clichés for a reason. My heart resides in Mackay, North QLD – where the majority of my family still live. Don’t get me wrong, I love Sydney (where I’m based now) but Brisbane is a close second in this category. I really found my feet when I left Mackay in 2014, when I moved to south-east Queensland.
I spend too much time… watching screens. I could honestly talk about film, television and pop culture for hours. My brain is a strange place. I can somehow justify watching 20 hours of TV because it helps with good conversation, music inspiration and in the end it’s a really good way for me to pass time. PS. If you really need a good, new show to watch – go check out ‘The Boys’ on Amazon Prime. If you don’t like it, that’s fine, just know that you’re wrong and its absolutely incredible. Do yourself a favour and watch it if you know what’s well.
I’ve never… killed anybody. Pretty proud of that to be honest.
It might surprise people to learn that… I love playing chess. I promised myself I wasn’t going to bring up the glory days, but when I was 11 years old – I won a regional chess competition against teenagers and adults. Super embarrassing for everyone else involved, but for me it was great. I mean, I peaked early but at least I peaked, right?
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