Getting to know Maddy Storm

Burgeoning pop singer, songwriter and producer Maddy Storm has recently released her new single, Sleep Deprived. We asked her to tell us about herself:
I am… Maddy Storm, an over-the-top pop artist and producer.
Sleep Deprived is… a sad-pop-bop, 3 minutes of absolute honesty that’d be best served with a margarita over ice. It is partly me airing my dirty laundry in public, questioning my self-worth and relatability. It’s also the track that I’m most proud of lyrically.
Home is… a $35,000,000 mansion in LA that I just viewed on YouTube *manifesting.*
I spend too much time… overthinking and writing songs about it. If anyone knows how to stop grinding your teeth at night, hit me up.
I’ve never… seen Blade Runner.
The last 12 months have been… exciting and exhausting.
It might surprise people to learn that… I make beats and dance tracks as a form of procrastination.
Keep up to date with Maddy on Insta.
Interview by Bobby Townsend.