Interview: Getting to Know MAVER

Boorloo/Perth-based electronic artist MAVER has just delivered his new electro-pop tune. We asked him to tell us about himself:
I am… MAVER! An electronic artist from Perth WA and like to make people dance using beep-boop noises created by my laptop.
‘Close Enough’ is… About how a particular person has the power to make you feel unstoppable and able to achieve anything. It is also about falling in love, feeling inspired by this person whilst being infatuated with the way they make you feel. ‘Close Enough’ also details how you would do anything for this person, even putting yourself in harm’s way, but also this other person is there for you on your own journey and helps give you the last push you need to achieve your goals.
Home is… Perth and Melbourne city-wise. I really miss parts of Melbourne like the surf coast and always feels like an extension of home when I’m there. I really feel comfortable surfing at the beach and in the water. I achieve a calmness and clarity of mind that is second to none out there. This is synonymous with the feeling I get when I write music; very powerful and addictive.
I spend too much time… trying to figure out what to do for dinner. I don’t know why but I am the most indecisive person when it comes to food or making a decision in general. Embarrassingly, I am definitely the kind of person that needs to read the menu before going to a place to figure out the potential options before I go.
I’ve never… played the drums! It’s one thing that I have wanted to do and play but every time I try, it’s very embarrassing to watch/listen to. I’ll definitely give it a good go at some point but at the moment do not hire me to be your live drummer!
It might surprise people to learn that… I used to be really into making origami. I don’t know why but when I was younger I developed this addiction to origami and folding paper into different shapes and animals. I was definitely hooked, figuring out how to make all these difficult folds and make little origami cranes out of napkins or bits of scrap paper from receipts that no one asked for and give to them.
Keep up to date with MAVER on Insta.