Jacob Fitzgerald on the world of comparison

Having recently dropped his new EP, Jacob Fitzgerald & The Electric City, Jacob Fitzgerald tells us that the world of comparison might be what’s killing your music. Here’s his opinion piece:

Comparison is all around us. It’s not a new thing, and it affects a decent portion of the human population these days. Like all things, it can be used as a tool of inspiration and feed creativity. However, there is no denying that with the rapid consumption of social media, content creation, advertisements, and other mainstream media; we also fall into the trap of negative comparison. Chasing “perfection”. I’ve personally been exploring this of late and have found that this is especially true for musicians and artists alike. In fact, it could be the very thing that is holding you back and ultimately killing your music.

I’m a first-hand culprit to this notion of comparison within the music industry. How could I not be? I like many of you, love engaging with the artists that inspire me. I love seeing their content, their processes, their highlights and most importantly, consuming the music. It feels like I’m with them sharing the joys of making great tunes and playing killer shows. It all seems so easy. So why can’t I do it? Why does making my social media all rosy seem like a lie sometimes? Am I the only one going through the struggles of the industry? Am I the only one who writes eight dud songs to every two good ones? Am I the only one feeling this way? 

The answer… no. We just don’t often see it in those we look to for joy and inspiration. Which to be fair, is totally fine. I personally don’t want to share my struggles publicly. I don’t find it as important as sharing my love for music. Yet I still forget that others might be thinking the same. 

What’s critical within this, is the acknowledgment of the truth. And that is that 90% of the time, all artists are experiencing the highs and lows of this creative game. It’s now about switching up your focus and regularly reminding yourself that perfection does exist.

At the end of the day, all that matters is the MUSIC, right!? It’s the “why” we do it. The love of expressing ourselves through a universal form of creation. There is no right or wrong way to do it, there’s no formula, it’s just about having fun with making stuff you like and feel passionate about. Music is imperfect and subjective.

However, I still forget this.

I have often caught myself thinking negatively about my craft. Comparing myself to those around me, wanting to know how they did it and did so with ease.
My biggest vice used to be criticising my ability on the guitar. 

You see I’ve been playing music for a while now. I started out (and often still am) playing in the pub scene where I’d play four 50-minute sets a night. I only knew about five chords and where to place a capo when I needed to. I was no natural, it was hard. However, over time I knew enough to get me by and ultimately aid my songwriting and arrangement process. It was a pivotal step in sharing my love and joy of music. I was an official singer/songwriter and got to a stage where it was all pretty comfy.

However, it was only recently that I found myself constantly comparing my ability. I often said, “I’m no good at guitar”, “I wish I was better” or “why can’t I seem to play like _____”. 

It was a real mental challenge to overcome.

Truth be told… I realised I don’t have any interest in being a guitar god. It’s not my “thing”. The guitar is just an aid for my true passion: Songwriting, creating and performing. The real connection that you get from an emotional experience. Be that good or bad…

I realised it’s silly to compare myself to John Mayer. I don’t want to be him. I want to be Freddie Mercury or Michael Hutchence. A showman. 

By changing focus and going back to the “why” I do this was what I needed.

My goal within my music is simple. To connect. To perform. To make you feel. To make you dance.


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