Interview: Getting to know Stellie

Tandanya/Adelaide-based artist Stellie recently released her new single, Rocket Ship. We asked her to tell us about herself:
I am… Stellie, a singer/songwriter based in Adelaide, South Aus. Stellie isn’t actually my real name – more of a nickname given to me by my Nonna (Grandma) which I think makes it even more special.
Rocket Ship is… a song that explores the idea of ‘beauty in imperfections’. Lyrically it shines light on a ‘real life kind of love’ – a love that is gritty and not always so shimmery and clean, because that’s not always realistic.
Home is… wherever my family and friends are. Family is everything, and I don’t know where I would be without my support system.
I spend too much time… baking unnecessary things. Whenever I’m bored – I bake. Even if there is plenty of food in the house, it won’t ever stop me. Cookies, bread, muffins – literally anything. So, if you ever need some baked goods – just hit me up!
I’ve never… been stung by a bee. Not sure if this is unusual but I just never have. Kind of freaks me out as I could be very allergic, but I would have no idea. Guess I will just have to wait and see.
It might surprise people to learn that… I’m actually very short. Probably just over 5ft. I get people saying to me all the time – ‘oh but you look so much taller in your photos?’ But no not at all. I do enjoy being short though – maybe I’m more grounded as I’m closer to the Earth? Who knows.
Keep up to date with Stellie on Insta.