Getting to know Bully Hay

Jonathon “Jonno” Coleman is a Tasmanian singer-songwriter, releasing his debut album under the moniker of Bully Hay on 30th October. We asked him to tell us about himself:
I am… generally pretty curious and excited to see what is to come. I spent the past year making my record with a long time musical hero of mine, Jeff Martin from The Tea Party, and so my focus has been on making that album as good as it can possibly be. That process and opportunity for me working with Jeff already ticks off as a bucket list item done and dusted. Now that it’s time to get the album out there, I have literally no expectation and am cool with whatever happens from here. I’m just genuinely happy its made and am excited to share. So now, I feel like I am sitting on the outside looking in thinking “Ok cool! I wonder what will happen next”.
2024 has so far been… a lot like a rollercoaster ride and despite a lot of positive goings on, I’ve had some major challenges too. With the album being finished there’s this elation and excitement about a project completed. But I’ve had a long term relationship breakdown in the middle also which is a life changing thing. Like the song I’ve just released its the rise and fall, peaks and lulls. They’re in full swing at the moment! Lots of light and shade in my world at the moment.
My new single Wash Of The World is… a social awakening in song form. It came from a little germ of a thought that burned away in the back of my mind which grew and grew until I couldn’t help but feel I was just running on this wheel day in and day out.. The endless wheel that 99% of us are on. You know, work, eat, sleep, repeat… Pay your way in the world. Work hard, contribute to society Monday to Friday and then rest on the weekend. Its kind of light waking up and seeing that cycle and wanting to run and jump into the sea and clean it all off and be fresh. To start again smarter and stronger next time.
I live in… Southern Tas just outside of Hobart. I’m a little in limbo right now. But really for me, Home is a comfortable bed, a stack of records, my guitars, a decent kitchen so I can cook a nice meal, friends and a few drinks.
I spend too much time… procrastinating! I leave things to the laaasst minute. Maybe that’s why I always feel like I’m rushing around from place to place or task to task. I will not leave the house until the very last second that I need to go somewhere to be right on time. So that doesn’t allow for any unforeseen delays, which makes me late sometimes. All self inflicted most definitely.
I’ve never… been in a Helicopter. Never will! They freak me out.