Getting to know Liam Keates-Ryley

Meanjin/Brisbane-based funk-pop artist Liam Keates-Ryley has unveiled his debut single. We asked him to tell us about himself:
I am… Liam Keates-Ryley. I’m a 20-year-old multi-instrumentalist/producer from Brisbane, Australia.
RUNNIN’ is… my first debut single. It’s not only about running away from life and relationship issues but also about running away from people who try to abuse your friendship and take you for granted.
Home is…wherever my keyboards are really haha. No but seriously, I live in Brisbane, Australia at the moment and hoping to move to Melbourne within the next year to continue to pursue my career in full time music.
I spend too much time… deciding what I’m going to wear each day. I have to pick my outfit the day before to save myself time in the morning.
I’ve never… gone up to someone cute and asked for their number. I always get scared and run away haha.
It might surprise people to learn that… I used to play competitive volleyball at a high level, and there was a point in time when I almost quit music to pursue volleyball full-time.
Keep up to date with Liam on Instagram.