Getting to know Late June

NZ/Aotearoa-based producer Late June has announced that his new album ‘Mending’ will land on December 6, and has shared a new single, ‘Focus’. We asked him to tell us about himself:

I am… Late June, a 27 year old ambient electronic music artist from Tāmaki Makaurau, NZ.

‘Focus’ is… an introverted dance track, about learning to let go of things holding you back in life, reducing expectations and focusing on what’s in front of you. I wrote chord progression in my head while lying down at the beach, this illustrious idea of being comfortable but out at a nightclub, enjoying yourself with no expectations. I likened the idea of the song to a wallflower, playing/growing anywhere and being able to bring an introspective sad atmosphere to anyone in any place.

Home is… honestly, it’s tough. I’d like to say in my apartment in town, but tbh it’s wherever family and friends are.

I spend too much time… worrying about social media, worrying about music stats, worrying about my place in the world.

I’ve never… drank a glass of milk raw as an adult. Even like oat milk just in a glass, sounds so gnarly.

It might surprise people to learn that… As of last week I got accepted into teachers college. 

Keep up to date with Late June on Insta.

Photo credit: Isabella-Rose-Young