A Little Something Extra at Europa! Europa Film Festival

The fourth edition of Europa! Europa Film Festival is taking place in Australia right now. Addy Fong checked out the film A Little Something Extra:

Sometimes the world feels too miserable and we need a little humour to help us cope. Directed by funny French man Artus, A little Something Extra is comedy film about two criminals, father and son, pretending to be a resident and educator for young adults with intellectual disabilties in order to evade police. 

Given the subject matter, I was hesitant watching at first, weary in case the film mocked the portrayal of young adults with disablities as the a cruel punchline as has been done in the past, the mocking of minority groups for the benefit/entertainment of others which is not okay. Thankfully though, A little Something Extra plays well incorporating this quirky french humour and makes fun not of those with intellectual disablities but uses comedy to address misunderstandings and assumptions. 

Directed and starring Artus as the lead, the approach to filmmaking which incorpates a collaborative community based model including those with intellectual disablities to contribute to the script is showcased through the warmth felt whilst watching. The heartwarming script allows audiences to feel empathy towards all the characters in the film. The supporting cast, the young adults with disablities, play characters with the same name as theirs are perhaps empowered by this on and off screen friendship Artus who plays the character of Paulo/Sylvain builds with them as actor and director.

A case of mistaken identity creates chaos, a classic comedic trope which makes this film easy to follow and easy to watch. Stand out moments of the film include a character named Arnaud who teaches Paulo how to be disabled, thus hilariously poking fun at Artus instead shifting the script as one which is self-aware and brilliantly clever. 

I enjoyed A little Something Extra, particularly this quote uttered by one of the educators, ‘A pigeon with one foot landed in front of me and I thought this is a sign to care for the disabled.’ For those seeking a sign to understand one’s life direction, or finds sollace in a pigeons like I do, this quote was a source of comfort for its relatability and quirks. 

Overall, A little Something Extra, is a heartwarming story about friendship, finding family in unexpected places, and the little joys of life. 

Europa! Europa Film Festival runs until 12th March at Lido Cinemas and Classic Cinemas in Melbourne, and Ritz Cinemas in Sydney. For information and tickets, visit: https://www.europafilmfestival.com.au/

Review by Addy Fong.