Category Archive: film review

Film Review: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Sometimes it’s easy to forget about the invisible people behind the scenes. For every momentous event where an individual achieves or creates something of note, there are usually a handful of nameless folk… Read More

Film Review: How I Live Now’s Colin Delaney discovers more than your average teen flick: “What better time to become kissing-cousins than Tomorrow, When The War Began” is the gist of new film How I Live Now… just… Read More

Film review: Adoration is thought provoking

Melissa Oey checks out Adoration, an Australian co-production filmed on the picturesque north coast of New South Wales: Though the plot essentially revolves around two life-long friends – Roz (Robin Wright) and Lil (Naomi… Read More

Film review: Don’t miss Mystery Road

Mystery Road is a brooding psychological thriller set in North Western New South Wales, starring an all-star Australian cast led by Aaron Pederson, Hugo Weaving, Ryan Kwanten, Tasma Walton, Jack Thompson and David… Read More

Film review: Patrick is highly recommended

After killing his mother and her lover some years previously, Patrick is the comatose patient in a remote, private psychiatric clinic.’s Tammy Potakh braves her fear of horror movies to check it out:… Read More

Film review: Metallica Through the Never’s Colin Delaney discovers that ‘Metallica Through the Never’ is epically righteous for fans: After 32 years on the grind, Metallica have built an epic empire with their music reinforced by a strong… Read More

Movie Review: The Act of Killing

In 1965 Indonesia’s first president, Sukarno, who previously lead the national revolution against Dutch Colonialism, was overthrown by the military led by the right wing General Suharto. At the time communism was making… Read More

Movie Review: Riddick is good popcorn action’s Oliver Heath embraces wraparound sunglasses and some wooden one-liners: When I heard I was going to review a sci-fi film called ‘Redic’, it totes conjured images of future space-hipsters and their eternal… Read More

Movie Review: Tim Winton’s The Turning

Colin Delaney reviews The Turning, and discovers a bold cinematic experience that meditates on the minutiae of the human condition: Before delving into new Australian film project The Turning, memorise these character names: Vic… Read More

Review: Backyard Cinema in London

On Saturday, Something You Said headed to London to check out Backyard Cinema, an institution born after its founder endured an underwhelming trip to your generic, everyday, soulless cineplex. Popping up in a variety… Read More

Film Review: What Maisie Knew

Based on a contemporary interpretation of the classic Henry James novel (of the same name), and set in present-day New York, ‘What Maisie Knew’ is an honest and realistic portrayal of a bitter… Read More

Movie Review: The Canyons

I have a friend who once vomited all over Lindsay Lohan’s bathroom. The reason I am telling you this one-sentence, context-free anecdote is that it is singularly more interesting and entertaining than the… Read More