Category Archive: Film

Film Review: Loving deals with what matters

Written and directed by Jeff Nichols, Loving tells the story of an an interracial couple in the 1960s and their mistreatment.

Review: Toni Erdmann is funny and tender

Toni Erdmann is a genuinely funny film. It garners its laughs from its strangeness, its awkwardness, its silliness and its surreality.

Film review: Paterson is worth every moment

In Jim Jarmusch’s most melancholy indie tome to date, Adam Driver plays a 30-something bus driver in Paterson, New Jersey.

Something You Said’s top 20 films of 2016

2016 was another good year for movies. Here are Something You Said’s contributors’ favourite flicks from the last 12 months.

Film Review: La La Land is refreshingly nostalgic

La La Land launches audiences on a refreshing journey of nostalgic cinematic romance in the modern world.

Review: Bad Santa 2 is rude, crude and cynical

Thirteen years is a long time between drinks for thieving mall santa Willie, so is it worth checking in on him now?

Film Review: I, Daniel Blake

I, Daniel Blake confronts us with real world social issues that speak of inequality, injustice and a system that has failed so many.

Allan Smithy’s top Australiana films

Allan Smithy releases his highly anticipated debut EP this week. We asked him to talk us through some of his favourite Australiana films.

Movie Review: Elvis & Nixon

“Rock ā€™nā€™ roll legend Elvis Presley meets the President of the United States Richard Nixon” is a headline sure to grab the attention.

Adjust your margins with GFEST 2016

An annual platform for LGBTQI artists and organisations, the 9th GFEST – Gaywise FESTival is heading to London this November.

Film Review: Brothers is effortless to watch

Filmed over the course of eight years, director Aslaug Holm documents the development of her two sons from childhood to adolescence.

British Film Festival Ticket Giveaway

The BBC First British Film Festival is heading back to Australia and, excitingly, we have five double passes to give away.