Getting to Know Jessy Lanza

Coming to Sydney Festival and Sugar Mountain, a future-pop party thrown by your coolest ex-girlfriend, Jessy Lanza!

Premiere: Autosuggest – In Lust

We’re excited to today premiere the brand new video from Autosuggest, the solo project of Alec Mallia.

Film review: Paterson is worth every moment

In Jim Jarmusch’s most melancholy indie tome to date, Adam Driver plays a 30-something bus driver in Paterson, New Jersey.

Something You Said’s top gigs of 2016

Our contributors have spent the past year at venues and festivals all over the world. Here are some of their favourites.

Something You Said’s Top 10 songs of 2016

Our contributors have been busy choosing their favourite tunes of 2016 We’ve tallied their lists and here is our top 10!

Something You Said’s top 10 TV shows of 2016

There’s been some great telly in 2016. We’ve tallied our contributors’ favourite shows and come up with our top ten.

Happy Holidays to all our readers!

Happy holidays all! In an attempt to get you in the spirit of Christmas, here are a few absolutely cracking tunes. Enjoy!

Sugar Mountain Festival is back for 2017

Sugar Mountain has quietly and comfortably been growing into one of Australia’s most impressive indie festivals.

Video Premiere: Vertigo, Get Away

We’re excited to premiere the new video from Brisbane band, Vertigo. ‘Get Away’ is the debut single from the four-piece.

Something You Said’s top 20 films of 2016

2016 was another good year for movies. Here are Something You Said’s contributors’ favourite flicks from the last 12 months.

2016 – The Year In Comics

After a year of diving headlong back into the world of comic books (and spending far too much money in the process) here are some highlights from the last 12 months.

NICE UP! Records bring you 12 Dubs of Xmas

NICE UP! Records breaks up the commercialism of christmas with 12 brand new dub tracks absolutely free of charge.