Scribble Animation for Jagwar Ma

Jagwar Ma are leaping and bounding through the indie scene at the moment. Embarking on a European tour, and a forthcoming record, the Sydneysiders definitely have big things in store for them for… Read More

Devotional Do Old Hollywood

Nestled in amongst the hustle-and-bustle of busy cultural hub in Sydney, Surry Hills, lies the Hollywood Hotel. A run-down pub, plated in rustic gold, that sings of a busier time. Tonight however, The… Read More

Aurora Galore has passion and drive has a conversation with Winner of Miss Paris Burlesque Festival 2012, Aurora Galore:  It isn’t often that you encounter somebody who you know in an instant will be able to change your life… Read More

Sydney’s Salta Drip Blood

Sydneysiders Salta create beautiful vocal harmonies accompanied by gentle acoustic guitar fingerpicking, music that is likely to soften any ill feelings you may be carrying with you today. Blood features the four-piece wandering… Read More

The Best European Summer Festivals

The countdown to European summertime has begun, which means Festival season is so close you can pretty-much smell it. It’s the smell of unwashed awesomeness. However, because there are  gazillions of amazing events to… Read More

New Record, Re-invented Sound

Following the success of their debut record Crooks & Lovers, Mount Kimbie release a new long player to the excitement of’s Carol Bowditch.  When I first heard Crooks & Lovers, it was… Read More

Maker are giving you devotion

Brighton band Maker have unleashed into the world their excellent debut single, Devotion, accompanied by a somewhat nsfw video clip. We asked Maker’s singer Lana McDonagh to tell us more: The song is… Read More

Review: Unknown Mortal Orchestra in London

About three months ago I reviewed the sophomore album, II, by Kiwi-fronted, US based, Unknown Mortal Orchestra. Without knowing a thing about them, I was led only by the fuzzy warmth and vintage… Read More

Jesse Willesee – Product Placement

It’s been a busy year for the artist, but he’s back with another controversial show. Get the low-down on Jesse Willesee’s latest art offering: Sydney artist Jesse Willesee is nothing if not contentious – he’s… Read More

A Quest For Fantastic Denim Goods

The past week in Sydney has had me soaked to the bone day-after-day. I have found myself wearing the same pair of jeans everyday as some sort of protection from the side-wards downpours.… Read More

Ball Park Music want to thank ewe

Elfy Scott has a conversation with Ball Park Music’s Sam Cromack (pictured, above, middle), about their upcoming Australian tour-dates: First things first, Australia Day saw the announcement of Radio Station Triple J’s Hottest 100 with… Read More

Marc Janus connects in a different way

I met Madrid-based painter, Marc Janus, while travelling in Panama. Marc is the kind of person that inspires you to want to make yourself more interesting and to interact with people in a different… Read More