Savages leave us speechless

Savages, Savages, Savages… say it three times quickly and it comes close to encapsulating the bands sound, pointy, jagged, claustrophobic and sexy. Silence Yourself, the Londoners’ first album, is, without any doubt at… Read More

The Money Go Round Extend Summer

To quote Game Of Thrones (something I do with alarming regularity) “Winter is coming”. However, The Money Go Round apparently didn’t receive the memo; instead releasing their newest track Endless Sun. The Sydney… Read More

Brighton Festival & House art preview

As a self-confessed luddite, I sometimes struggle with the language of art. I find it difficult to separate the genuine sentiment from the bullshit. So, usually, when an artist states something like, “Wallpaper… Read More

Soulland x Babar Collaboration

Growing up with two sisters and a father that thought a Mambo tee-shirt was the height of fashion, I was not overly-exposed to mens clothing. Nowadays, my partner appreciates designer clothing but has… Read More

All aboard the Reggae Boat Party

Londoners, get ready to party starboardside with Trojan Sound System this August! Famous for putting on the best funk’n’soul boat parties, of which I attended two last year alone, Soundcrash and CapitalMusicEvents now… Read More

Ariel is ready to make noise again

Marcus Thaine has a chat with Ariel about Dampvamp, art and her new band, Firesaint:  Sydney’s Lauren Ariel Sexton-Shaw, otherwise known by the mononym Ariel, exudes a kind of creative magnetism that is hard… Read More

Yacht Club DJs tear up Sydney’s Sonia Clarke bump-and-grinds to a selection of musical favourites,  reworked by the Yacht Club DJ’s at their shindig in Sydney. If I was to sum up the Yacht Club DJs in one… Read More

Interview: Getting To Know Emily Grove

Singer/songwriter Emily Grove recently completed a tour of the United Kingdom with Jarrod Dickenson and David Ford. We caught up with her for a conversation about her recordings, her music tastes and about acting… Read More

The Knits Join The Sydney Garage Family

There are few styles which can blend maniacal euphoria and soul-destroying melancholy in the one form of expression. Those involved in Sydney’s garage movement can pull-off this rare mismatch. From of this shouty/big… Read More

Drift makes our attention, well, drift

Drift begins with a young family of three running away from their misogynistic, drunkard father/husband and driving interminably to end up in Western Australia’s Seacliff. They set up camp there in the small country… Read More

Get The Sunday Papers… live!

We’ve been showering The Secret Garden Party with affection since forever because we love their awesome festival and because they keep coming up with other amazing ideas. Like this one. They’ve joined forces… Read More

We go dancing with Flying Steps

Last month, World champion breakdance crew Flying Steps went to Australia for Red Bull Flying Bach, which fused their cool dance style with the elegant music of 18th century composer, Johann Sebastian Bach. While… Read More