Enjoy ale with Quiet Deeds

In order to fund our gloriously international lifestyle here at somethingyousaid.com we can sometimes feel the pinch of the penny, and will welcome anything that comes our way for free, especially when there… Read More

Don’t Cry For Coachella People

Best not to mention Coachella to Bianca Cornale, if you know what’s good for you: Since last weekend my social networking has been crowded by people bemoaning their distance from Coachella. Even worse… Read More

Azealia Banks – Yung Rapunxel

When Azealia Banks delivers a new offering, we pay attention. After all, with Azealia you can be pretty certain you’re gonna get something mind-melting. Remember the first time you heard 212 and it… Read More


The removal of the rainbow crossing across Sydney’s famed Oxford Street last week caused uproar within the community. The rainbow crossing acted as a symbol of pride and a short-lived tourist attraction, popping… Read More

Hand Games First Birthday

The words “Hand Games” can evoke memories of sticky, playground children slapping at each other and screeching “down on the banks of the hanky-panky!” But now, in relative maturity, we’re referring to party… Read More

Heartless Bastards at The Troubadour

Tenley Nordstrom reviews her favourite band’s recent performance in Los Angeles and gets somewhat starstruck: I first saw the Heartless Bastards in 2009. At the time, I had no idea who they were.… Read More

Going Loco at The Slip Inn

Somethingyousaid.com’s Carol Bowditch earned serious hipster points by attending the El Loco at Slip Inn Blogger Party, where she gobbled tacos and guzzled Margaritas. The Slip Inn has recently joined forces with El Loco, following… Read More

Exclusive Aluka video premiere

Space, the debut album by Melbourne experimental vocal-group Aluka was released Friday April 5th and somethingyousaid is happy to bring you an exclusive video clip, showing the making of Say, one of the… Read More

Phebe Starr’s pop is cosmic

Bustin’ out of from a small country-town on the Australian east coast, Sydney’s Phebe Starr is preparing her debut extended-player for 2013. Having scored herself some serious radio love for her epic ballad… Read More

British Sea Power – Machineries of Joy

Gary Page reviews the newest longplayer by Brighton-based outfit British Sea Power: The first time I became fully aware of British Sea Power was on an overcast August day back in 2006. They curated… Read More

The lies a guy tells on a first date

Somethingyousaid.com’s editor was guest columnist for Australian laydeeeeez magazine, CLEO, this month. Check out his words of questionable wisdom: A first date is a terrible way to get to know a guy. You… Read More

How to buy a drink & not be an idiot

Right, listen up, because bartender Jess Matthews is dispensing invaluable advice on the etiquette of ordering drinks: The world of hospitality spins on a completely different axis to the rest of the ‘normal’… Read More