Exclusive Walk Off The Earth stream!

We really like Gotye. His reputation of being pretty much the nicest human-being on the planet is deserved. Seriously. But, by the eight-millionth time the radio played it, even massive admirers like us… Read More

SECRET EMPORIUM is left of centre

We love independent, original fashion that’s a bit leftfield, so we’re keen as mustard to check out Secret Emporium, which catches designers when ideas and ambitions are fresh, creative and exciting and when their designs… Read More

Stornoway’s Tales From Terra Firma

Three years. Sounds a long time doesn’t it? I only ask this quite mundane question because the release of Stornoway’s debut album Beachcomber’s Windowsill seemed to hit the shops fairly recently. To discover… Read More

Jerk off with Unknown Mortal Orchestra

We watch hundreds of shit video clips here at somethingyousaid.com. I mean it, if I see another whimsical indie-girl in an overgrown field/abandoned house, or electro band having generic “fun times’ at the… Read More

Carter USM classic album giveaway

Quick history lesson for the uninitiated… Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine were a South London duo that bashed out awesome indie pop punk anthems with a social/political conscience in the early-90s. In our… Read More

Getting high with High Highs

Tammy Potakh has a conversation with Jack Milas from New York-based Australians, High Highs, about their debut long-player: High Highs new album Open Season transports me to a place faaar, far away from… Read More

Holiday Sidewinder crosses your mind

Former Bridezilla frontwoman, Holiday Sidewinder, is currently holed up in London, working on her much anticipated debut solo LP. We’re mega excited to hear some new material from the Australian songbird when it… Read More

An interview with David Ford

Our head-honcho, My Bobby Six, tends to shy away from the limelight somewhat. When it comes to video interviews, he usually puts one of the many talented/hot Something You Said laydeez (seriously, there’s… Read More

Record Kicks 10th is catchy and timeless

Record Kicks is an independent record label and music publisher based in Milan specialising in vintage black sounds. Founded in 2003, they now celebrate their 10th birthday and over 100 releases with “Record… Read More

Deap Vally tell sexy, dirty lies

We’ve been banging-on about female two-piece Deap Valley, who hail from sunny Los Angeles, for absolutely ages now, interviewing them a while back and reviewing their barnstorming gig in Brighton last week. So we… Read More

The Tallest Man at Sydney Opera House

The Tallest Man On Earth – Sydney Opera House 5/3/2013 Like a suspicious elf in brown leather boots plotting its mischievousness, he began by creeping around the stage, then leaning out and leering… Read More


Alice Parsons gets her skates on and comes up with some pretty-frickin-awesome illustrations for somethingyousaid.com: If, like me, your only encounter with the world of Roller Derby has been watching ‘Whip It’, you… Read More