Brighton Festival + Flaming Lips = win

We love Brighton, here at It’s a vibrant, exciting city with an exhilarating music and arts scene, so when the Brighton Festival comes around, we’re always mad keen to check it out. This… Read More

Olly goes to a David Bowie listening party

Oliver Heath attends a listening session in Sydney to review the eagerly-anticipated long-player from the legendary David Bowie, his first in a decade:  I’m on my way to a Bowie listening ‘party’. I find the… Read More

Kate Sylvester’s Shanghai Fox

The perks of this time of year for sartorially-conscious Australians are still looking delightful and taking full advantage of mild evenings, while also looking forward to a whole new season of trends. A… Read More

Palma Violets are victims of hype

Ah great, another hype band from good ol’ Blighty. Palma Violets are the latest NME darlings which, these days, is something of a poisoned chalice. Anyone lifted shoulder-high by the magazine is immediately… Read More

Gung Ho Is In The Place You’d Rather Be

You may have heard Brisbanites Gung Ho rolling around your ears before. Their sun-drenched lo-fi has seen singles get well deserved praise and plays from all round. Debut EP Anywhere Else, is dreamy yet… Read More

Harts won’t fly under the radar

Carol Bowditch interviewed Harts, ahead of his tour and meticulously crafted new EP, Offtime.  You record all instruments in your music by yourself. Why do you choose to do this? It’s definitely a… Read More

Bowie’s new clip captures a moment

We love-love-love-love-love David Bowie. We once saw him perform in London and our seats were so awfully positioned that you are probably closer to him now than we were at the concert, but… Read More

…For All Tomorrow’s Parties

Fit For One Who Sits And Cries/For All Tomorrow’s Parties, by Bianca Cornale  Over a sweltering weekend, some of the world’s most influential musicians touched down in Altona, Melbourne. And don’t worry, nobody else… Read More

Lucy Rose live in Switzerland

Kaya Strehler doesn’t know whether to be besotted with Lucy Rose’s serenading or to have a jealous tantrum: I was recently whipped away for a delightful two-hour drive down to Geneva with the luring… Read More

Velvet Pins are a smidge psychedelic

Looking for some summer threads that are cute-as-can-be, with a twist of quirkyness and a vintage vibe? Why not check out emerging Brisbane label Velvet Pins? Their sophomore collection ‘Deep Awake’ is super adorable,… Read More


On February 19th something momentous happened, I woke up at 4am with purpose. No, really. I’m not lying. I had good cause. NICK FUCKING CAVE WAS TALKING TO FANS LIVE AND ON TWITTER…… Read More

SLAM with Hungry Kids of Hungary

With the release of their second album “You’re a Shadow” this week, along with being Queensland ambassadors for SLAM Day (Save Live Australia’s Music) this Saturday, playing at this year’s Groovin the Moo festival and… Read More