Kat Vinter – Stoneheart video

A few weeks ago, we brought you a free download of Kat Vinter’s ace debut single, Stoneheart. It’s been stuck in our heads ever since and the mega positive reaction from you guys… Read More

Gangster Squad: Tough Justice

If you are unlucky enough to have been roped in to coming in to the office during the festive period, or if you are bored out of your brain at home waiting for… Read More

Fun Machine Makes Gold

It takes a lot of complex factors to make gold. Scientifically speaking, it takes a supernova exploding and a whole lot of waiting around. Canberra band, Fun Machine, differs in opinion, claiming in… Read More

The Datsuns at The Annandale, Sydney

All hail The Datsuns! Rock and roll is meant to be good fun – The Datsuns know this and aren’t trying to pull any punches – there’s no indulgent posturing going on, just… Read More

Something You Said’s Top 10 Films of 2012

Our big round up of 2012 is in full swing. Today it’s time to have a look at the best movies that have hit our cinema screens this year. Here is our top… Read More

Something You Said’s top 10 songs of 2012

This year dripped great songs from its very pores, so it was little wonder that we got heaps and heaps of votes for all manner of tunes that spanned styles and genres. Here… Read More

Galore: downtown fashion & sex appeal

We’re big fans of Prince Chenoa and Jacob Dekat, so as soon as we heard they were teaming one of our fave models, Ashley Smith (above), with our fave photographer, Ellen Von Unwerth,… Read More

Tame Impala at The Enmore, Sydney

Harriet Cheney saw the creators of our album of the year play live in Sydney. Safe to say she enjoyed it: I missed shit kringle at our annual Christmas party to attend this gig. That… Read More

Something You Said’s Top TV Shows of 2012

We’ve already brought you our top albums of 2012, next up it’s time to see what’s we’ve been watching on the box. Here is the top 10 TV shows of the year, as voted… Read More

Beached As Sunday Sessions in Bondi

It was a sunny ol’ morning on Sunday in Sydney, so a few of us decided to head to the beach. As is always the case, by the time we managed to get… Read More

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

I’ve never been a fan of 3D. I find that the use of it darkens the screen, blurs the movement and invites all manner of awful gimmickry while – and this is the… Read More

Something You Said’s Top 20 Albums of 2012

It’s been a really good year for music, don’t you reckon? So much so that, when we invited people to tell us their albums of 2012, we were blown away by just how… Read More