Olly goes to Live Band Karaoke

Oliver Heath clears his throat, pumps his fists and gets ready to rock out: Once a modest night in the seedy basement of the old Mandarin Club in Sydney, now at Marrickville’s Factory… Read More

Jay Stringer interview

Jay Stringer is a Black Country native and Wolverhampton Wanderers fan currently living in Glasgow and an exciting new voice in British crime fiction. Jay’s debut novel, Old Gold, is a cracking piece… Read More

We Love Festival of the Sun

Over the years, Festival of the Sun has become one of SYS’s fave festivals. Maybe it’s the Australian sunshine that gives it the edge over the rain of British festivals. Maybe it’s the… Read More

Win a T-shirt signed by The Veronicas

When we fancy a soft drink, to be honest we just pick whatever is on special offer at our local shop. Money, as the song says, is too tight to mention. One such… Read More

Cunts vs Sluts, by Elfy Scott

Today, Elfy Scott discusses language in a very not safe for work way. If curse words offend you, stay away. If they don’t, then get stuck in to this fine piece of writing: … Read More

Britany Nola Interview – Playboy & bullying

Not only is Britany Nola a contributor to this very site, but she is also Playboy’s Miss November and is set to make her film debut as the lead role in American Ecstasy.… Read More

Winter People – A Year At Sea

Listening to Winter People’s debut album, A Year At Sea, is like packing up your life and taking off for a journey into the wilderness. It’s on this journey, that you discover beauty,… Read More

Melanie Pain, 7 ou 8 fois

The lead singer of Nouvelle Vague, Melanie Pain, is back with a second album of personal pop and electro-acoustic tunes called Bye Bye Manchester. Alternating between French and English, Melanie sings about universal themes… Read More

Oscar Key Sung live

Marcus Thaine reviews one half of Oscar & Martin: Everyone tuned in to the Melbourne/Aussie music scene would be familiar with Oscar & Martin. Their 2011 debut, For You was a work of… Read More

Patriarchy & Abuse

This year, October is National Domestic Abuse Awareness month in the US. On 1st October 2012, Barack Obama issued a Presidential proclamation calling ‘on all Americans to speak out against domestic violence and… Read More

Husky are gentlemen of the road

Melbourne’s Husky took some time out from their Euro tour to chat to Bobby Townsend about Brighton, Australia & being gents of the road: Hello! How is your tour going? It’s going well.… Read More

San Cisco – Wild Things

San Cisco, those little rascals that brought you that undeniably addictive track, Awkward, are excited to announce their Wild Things Tour ahead of their new album release. They will be supported by Something You… Read More