The Hardcore Porn of Good Literature

When Internet Porn Gets Boring: a Sopping Jaunt into the Hardcore Porn of Good Literature, by Elfy Scott: A restless night of erotic dreams tends to leave me hanging in the morning; my pussy… Read More

The Neighbourhood commit Female Robbery

Zane Lowe is the kind of overexcitable person who gets so enthused about things that he probably tipped his last good cup of tea as “one to watch in 2013″ but he does… Read More

The Spielberg Effect

Golden Lady reminisces about a magical era of film making: Like every reigning king or queen of their craft, writer/director/producer extraordinaire Steven Spielberg has created a canon of work so spectacularly inspirational that no… Read More

Check out Grimes’ new video for Genesis

We’ve been a little bit in love with Claire Boucher ever since we first brought you that awesome video for Oblivion at the start of the year. Well, here’s her latest effort, another… Read More

White Arrows, Opossom and Jinja Safari live

Carol Bowditch manages to avoid the attention of horny 14-year-olds in order to review some fine bands: I’d known that the Blind Date tour was going to be an all-ages show and had… Read More

The Cast of Cheers – Human Elevator

We like The Cast of Cheers after seeing them supporting Django Django in Sydney earlier this month, so we thought we’d share with you the creepy new video for the track Human Elevator,… Read More

The sparkliest indie music event of the year

Same Same and Sydney’s The Standard have teamed up to bring you the sparkliest, glitter filled indie music event of the year, with an all-amazing cast of artists. Sweet Tooth features some of… Read More

Electric Guest feel the love in Melbourne

Ebe Cassidy and Vinisha Mulani had a look at Electric Guest’s recent show: The Northcote Social Club had a lot of love for LA band Electric Guest, who were playing the last of… Read More

Getting To Know Greater Pacific

SYS has a chat to laid back country folk gang Greater Pacific, during which their main man, Kyle Kersten, tells Neil Martin a little bit about their LP and what is on their stereo:… Read More

Mercedes-Benz Street Style Pop-up in Sydney

You know when you look at the street-style section of the MX and think, Christ on a bike, I dress way better than all of those losers? Well, here’s your chance to prove… Read More

Ingrid Michaelson on touring and writing

SYS had a chat with the very lovely Ingrid Michaelson in the midst of a busy touring schedule:  Hi Ingrid. You are touring the States at the moment. What do you enjoy most about… Read More

High Highs – Open Season

Open Season is the first track from High Highs’ self-titled debut EP. The Brooklyn-based band produce electronica layered with a fragile falsetto and textured acoustic elements. Their widescreen sound has attracted comparisons to… Read More