Getting to know Isotopes

Sydney-based, post-hardcore group Isotopes have recently revealed their new single WYWFM. We asked them to tell us about themselves:
WE ARE… a band called ISOTOPES. Justin Miller (Millsy), Joshua Wood, Angeleh Morris, Hamish Gibson and Bradley Stokes.
WYWFM IS… a song about putting a halt on love in order to focus on yourself for a change. Although the idea of love may linger ever so chillingly, you realise you’ve felt this hurt before time and time again, so instead of diving in you ask that love waits for you whilst you find comfort within yourself.
HOME IS… Sydney, Australia. Although we are all spread out in areas like Wollongong, Penrith, Oran Park. Personally, I am in Sydney, although my mind and heart feel like I should be overseas in Bali with all of my family with how the recent year has played out due to COVID and such.
WE SPEND TOO MUCH TIME… with our heads in the clouds. We’ve always been the band that gets so caught up in the NOW that we always forget to plan the NEXT as we are always just giving that NOW like 200%. Although during the last year we have definitely switched that around and I feel confident knowing we are certainly prepared for the NEXT.
WE’VE NEVER… thought about how to answer this question. There’s such a large scale of answers I could throw at this one, but I feel the best way to direct the answer is to throw Brad under the bus and say he has never eaten or held a tomato. (Sorry bro). I’ve seen how uncomfortable and angry he gets in person when you try to put a tomato near him, it’s quite a funny sight to see so I encourage all our fans to bring him tomatoes.
IT MIGHT SURPRISE PEOPLE TO LEARN THAT… WYWFM was written in about an hour. Everyone met up at my place for a writing session (which we’ve never done). Usually, it’s just myself and Josh throwing ideas back and forth over messenger. So, Josh had a riff idea, which led to me writing a chorus within 5mins and then singing it aloud in the living room. We all had the chills, just looking at one another and thinking yep, this is the track that’s really going to hit people in the feels.
This was also the first time I had come up with song names for a handful of songs prior to writing any lyrics. So originally the song was called ‘Will You Wait For Me?’ then ended up changing to WYWFM.
Keep up to date with the band on Insta.