Where can Laura Marling go now?

At somethingyousaid.com we make little secret of the fact that our knees go jelly-like at the merest mention of Laura Marling. We first interviewed the singer/songwriter when she was a delightfully polite 18-year-old… Read More

Three Movies that Define Inspiration

The definition of inspiration is the stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity. Guest writer for somethingyousaid.com Olan Ahern, kept this firmly in his mind when choosing a… Read More

Bad 90’s, Cross Dressing and Violence

Usually Drag Queens are a glorious spectacle; often more glamorous and feminine than those born with the emulated anatomy. However in the new clip from garage/surf big-hitters Wavves, these diabolical Drag Queens are… Read More

Ma. Gallery’s Fourth Birthday Party

We wouldn’t usually support four-year-olds partying at the Oxford Art Factory in Sydney till ungodly hours of the morning, but ma.gallery is a feisty young lass and will do as she pleases. That’s… Read More

A Place Where No Cars Go

Somethingyousaid.com’s Tenley Nordstrom learns the value of a machete: When I close my eyes and think of my happy place, I think of Bastimentos, Panama. I think of the sun dancing off of the… Read More

The Tenderness of Rust And Bone

Carol Bowditch checked out Rust and Bone, a harrowing tale about overcoming major adversity and the trials of real, modern relationships.  Ali (Matthias Schoenaerts) is self-sufficient and has a new woman to fulfill his needs every… Read More

Win free tickets to Jurassic Lounge

Somethingyousaid’s interesting dinosaur fact-of-the-day: Did you know that if a Tyrannosaurus Rex fell over, that he would probably have died because those teeny-weeny arms of his weren’t strong enough to push him back… Read More

Inc. – No World album review

Somethingyousaid.com checks out the first longplayer from inc: The thinking behind Inc.’s debut album, No World, is a fusion of oldschool RnB and soul music. When I heard this, I was intrigued. I… Read More

Jesse Willesee’s FLASH/ MOB

Jesse Willesee is holding an art show this week people! Yes, the controversial Sydney artist is back with a show called FLASH/MOB  to be held at the Beach Road Hotel in Bondi. For those unfamiliar with… Read More

Gird Your Loins For Beard Of Wolves

In a mere seven months, Welsh duo Beard Of Wolves have been working pretty hard. Hard enough to have some pretty sweet successes already tucked under their belts. With the release of debut… Read More

Revisiting Ricky Gervais’ The Office

Most of us have done jobs that we don’t really love. We’ve trodden the same carpet each day, sharing painful small-talk with the same people that, otherwise, we would absolutely have no reason to converse… Read More

King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard go west

Elfy Scott gives King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard’s  new narrative laden, spaghetti-western themed concept album, Eyes Like the Sky, a spin.  King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard’s 2013 release, Eyes Like the… Read More