Free download of Carter’s 1991 Paris gig

You may recall how, a couple of weeks ago, I was raving about the influence that indie/punk/pop duo Carter USM had on me. Well, while the guys were sorting through old tapes looking for bonus tracks for the remastered re-releases of 30 Something and 1992 The Love Album (both available November 5th), they found a great gig recorded at Espace Ornano in Paris on May 3rd 1991.

There were 19 tracks played in the epic 1hr 15min set and, although it was originally recorded on cassette, the quality is rather good and really captures the atmosphere, energy and fury of the gig. The latter stages of the show are especially interesting, as they bust out some not-that-often-played b-sides, including Alternative Alf Garnett and Bedsitter.

As a thank you for making all the reunion shows so incredible over the past few years, and to whet appetites for the upcoming shows in the UK, they’ve put the Paris gig up on Bandcamp for free. Click here to download it.

Words by Bobby Townsend