Getting to know Grace Turner

Grace Turner has recently dropped a new single. We asked her to tell us about herself: 

I am… Grace Turner. My parents named me Grace Tipping, however at around age 7 I decided it wasn’t very fair that we have to assume our father’s surname so I renamed myself Grace Turner, taking my mother’s maiden name instead. Luckily for me my parents happily accepted this idea.

Dead or Alive is… a song about suicidal thoughts and our communities helping us through these hard times. It also briefly touches on gender expectations in the second verse. I wrote it when I was feeling very alone in the world and in turn it has helped me feel so much connected to the world.

My upcoming live show will be… with Alex the Astronaut this weekend on July 14th. I’ve been really looking forward to this as I was already a fan and think our audience is probably similar. It’s both music that is heavily focused around the lyrics. It’s fine to be a great singer but do you have anything to say? That’s what sets writers apart for me. I like to create a mood of intimacy within the audience. I feel a lot when I sing and hope the crowd will too.

Home is… these days a feeling and with people I love rather than a place. I felt more at home and at peace hiking the Larapinta trail in Central Australia than I ever have in any building. I think that happens when you lose enough people and places you considered your “home”. The feeling can take me by surprise sometimes, a simple drizzly morning and I’ll be awash with the feeling of home. Give me sweet grey clouds over sunshine any day.

I spend too much time… with my mind elsewhere. I can tend to tune out of conversations quickly, especially if I feel the company is talking a lot but not actually saying anything. I often come up with lyrical and melodic ideas when I am in busy social situations. I am more comfortable observing interactions more than being involved in them.

I’ve never… liked to stay in the same place too long. Though my life circumstance hasn’t always allowed me to keep moving I am more inspired and creative when I am absorbing new experiences.

It might surprise people to learn that… ‘Dead or Alive’ was written and recorded at the end of 2016 within the space of a few weeks. It took me another year and a half to gain the confidence to release it.

‘Dead or Alive’ is out now and Grace is supporting Alex The Astronaut on Saturday 14th July at The Cambridge Hotel in Newcastle. Details on Facebook.

bobby townsend


Interview by Bobby Townsend.