Interview: Getting to know Quails

Sydney-based producer Quails has just released her new EP ‘Remedy’. We asked her to tell us about herself:

I am… Quails and I think I have a sheer paisley top obsession.

Remedy is… the title track of my latest EP and a good showcase of what my sound has evolved into. It’s kinda depresso with hints of cheer and it has an arpeggiator and breakbeats. Bellissima!

Home is… a blur at the moment because of the current pandemic. I live, sleep, work and crap here. But I did adopt a sweet little cat from the RSPCA before lockdowns really set in. Honestly please: if you have always wanted to adopt a pet, and you have the means and space to, dooo it. Adopt from a shelter or foster an animal. It’s been a game changer.

I spend too much time… on Depop. See above re paisley top obsession. I made a promise to myself to stop supporting fast fashion this year, and that I wouldn’t buy any new items of clothing. It has been successful thus far, but I have in turn developed a whopping vintage clothes problem.

I’ve never… ohh I know this game. It’s where we all say controversial and off kilter things we have never done and then if you have done it, you take a drink. Wow, I really am losing it, I just cheers’ed the laptop camera. I’ve never donated in church.

It might surprise people to learn that… I am a budding law student. Or maybe more accurately a mature age law student. It’s all fun and games really, without the fun, or the games – it’s an academic nightmare. Although, I think as a wise Natalie Portman once said, studying is awful, learning is beautiful. And that, your Honour, I have to agree with.

Keep up to date with Quails on Instagram and grab the EP here.