10 things you need to know about Carla Wehbe

Singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer Carla Wehbe drops her debut EP, Half Past Nine, today. We asked her to tell us some things about herself:

I played the Violin from when I was 3 years old to when I was 13 and hated it the whole time I played.

I don’t like even numbers, only odd numbers (and not odd numbers that include 5 or end in 5). 

I have a horse named Kingston. 

I don’t like getting flowers.

I play European Handball.

My favourite season is Fall. 

I love listening to 40s music. 

I tell everyone my favourite movie genre is action or comedy but my favourite movie is Notting Hill, so I mean how true could that really be?

I have a metal plate in my collarbone. 

One day I hope to work with Orca Whales.

Half Past Nine, the debut EP from Carla Wehbe is out today, Friday 4 December.

Keep up to date with Carla on Insta.

Photo by Nathan Viranian.