Interview: Getting to know Duckboi

Wollongong-based surf-rockers Duckboi have just revealed their new single ‘Going to the Beach’. We asked them to tell us more:

We are… Duckboi- a five-piece band from Wollongong, NSW. We play a combination of Surf-Rock, Psychedelia and Indie tropes with weird advanced explorations and catchy pop vibes.

‘Going to the Beach’ is… our new song, which is chaotic and intense, as all beach lullabies should be. It’s the wildest production we’ve employed on a track and feels like it takes the Surf-Rock genre down a much crazier path. It was originally sketched up in 2017 and completely finished by January 2020 – however a certain pandemic got in the way and now we’re stoked to bring it out to the world at last.

Home is… the Illawarra- with the world’s most beautiful beaches, a sweet mountain range, best feeds around (Looking at you Food World and Chickos) and a relaxed, enjoyable quality of life spent with absolute legends. The greatest place in the world for creating as an artist with endless inspiration.

I spend too much time… obsessing with the small details of things until they feel perfect rather than completing them, only to get distracted by new things such as cooking or surfing.

We’ve never… been that great on a pool table.

It might surprise people to learn that… the band was once called Ducks.- With the songs originally written and produced by Jack Lincoln, we have expanded into a band and now living that Duckboi life.

Keep up to date with the band on Insta.