Getting to know Mvlholland

Mvlholland, aka 20-year-old alt-pop songwriter Grace Mulholland, has recently released her new single, 83. We asked her to tell us about herself:

I am… currently lying on my couch with my dog listening to Lorde’s first album which is definitely one of my favourite records of all time.

83 is… a 2021 Bonnie & Clyde narrative with a twist in the end. It’s the first song I wrote with Lach Bostock (writer/producer) that felt like I had found my voice and my sound.

Home is… the smell of humidity hitting you when you step off a plane. Growing up in Bali I always found so much excitement and joy in travelling to big cities, especially places that get cold as Bali is hot 24/7. Wearing jackets, seeing snow, all of it was so wonderful. But coming home, I have always found that stepping off the plane onto the tarmac and smelling the water in the air has made me feel like I’m really home.

I spend too much time… dancing around and singing in my kitchen.

I’ve never… been to New Zealand which feels criminal considering how close it is and how magical it seems. I’ve promised myself that I’ll go once I finalise and finish my EP.

The last 12 months have been… so many things. I’ve been both the happiest and saddest I’ve ever been in my life this past year. watching the world twist and turn upside down in a way it never has was confronting and pretty mortifying all at once. It brought a whole new perspective to everything. I didn’t think I’ve ever loved or appreciated everything or anything I have more than I do now and for that I’m very grateful.

It might surprise people to learn that… my middle name is Tinkerbell 🙂

Keep up to date with Mvlholland here.

Interview by Bobby Townsend.