Getting to know Luca George

The 18-year-old Wanaka-born, Wellington-based independent pop singer-songwriter has just dropped a new single, Somebody New. We asked him to tell us about himself:

I am in a Wellington university dormroom with the sun shining brightly on my face. My friends and I went for breakfast this morning to our favourite café around the corner from home. We had to celebrate two things: the city not being ridiculously windy, and the fact that my new song will be everywhere in less than twelve hours. I haven’t showered today — which is SO unlike me; showers are my therapy. There’s simply too much to do… it’s all go-go-go, and I love every second of it.

Somebody New is a song that contains everything that I love about music. The orchestral introduction creates an aura of beauty and majesty, and its so quickly transformed into a punchy pop song with some of my favourite hooks I’ve ever sang. I feel like anyone can relate to Somebody New. Everyone tends to be picky at times — ESPECIALLY me. I’ve always been a dreamer with high expectations when it comes to relationships, and that’s what this song is all about! It’s OK to want more sometimes because we all deserve the best.

Home is… constantly changing for me. I moved around a lot when I was younger, and I never truly thought of one place when I heard the word “home.” Wānaka was where I’d lived for the past eight years — it’s the most beautiful town in southern New Zealand, and although I always felt like somewhat of an outcast for being different, I believe I discovered myself there. This year is the first year I’ve lived away from my immediate family. I’m in the country’s capital city, Wellington, and loving every part of it. It’s such a cliche to say that home is where the heart is — and trust me, I know it’s cheesy — but when I’m with my friends, my indoor plants, and my piano, I’m always going to feel at home.

I spend too much time… in my shower. I wasn’t kidding when I said it was my therapy. It’s my happy place, and honestly I couldn’t tell you why. That was lie… I can tell you exactly why. It’s where I’m able to escape from the world and shut my eyes. When I’m in my shower, I let the water rush over my head, and it sounds like a crowd roaring in my ears; I sing to this aquatic audience the entire time I’m in there. Honestly, it’s where I’ve come up with some of my best musical ideas — who needs a studio when you’ve a hot shower? (With nice acoustics of course).

I’ve never… had a boyfriend. Which is ironic because most of my songs are about being in a relationship. It might have something to do with those high standards I mentioned earlier… but coaches don’t play! At least, that’s what my friends tell me. I hope they’re not just saying that to make me feel better about myself.

The last 18 months have been… ridiculous in the best way possible. It feels like everything is coming together, and I’ve been able to tick more things off of my bucket list than I can count. What really gets me so excited is that it feels like this is only the beginning. That’s thanks to a whole range of friends, mentors, and family who have believed in me from the start. I probably wouldn’t even be sitting here typing this if not for people like Matthew Doyle, my high school music teacher who took me under his wing and introduced me to Rodney Hewson, my superhero manager. Cam Mansel who runs ZM’s Late Show on New Zealand radio is one of the most entertaining people I know, Kate Stacey is the brains behind my haircut and some of my most incredible photoshoots, and of course, I need to thank my Mum and Dad because I literally wouldn’t be here without them.

It might surprise people to learn that… I’m obsessed with indoor plants. I even started my own independent business buying and selling rare and exotic plants to fund my music career in 2016. My favourite has to be the variegated monstera because every leaf is so dramatically different. They’re unpredictable — kind of like me, and definitely like Somebody New.


Keep up to date with Luca George on Insta.

Interview by Bobby Townsend