Getting to Know Hollie Col

Sydney-based artist Hollie Col recently dropped her new EP, called Julia Stevens. We asked her to tell us about herself:

I am… currently trying to concentrate on writing this while simultaneously convincing my girlfriend that the cups in the cupboard did not just move because of a ghost. Aside from that, I am spending my week relaxing for the first time in almost a year. It sounds dramatic, but I’ve spent genuinely every single day working on this EP and the Julia Stevens Music Video Series. Now that it’s released I have so much more time to listen to the My Favourite Murder podcast and play with my cats. lol. The. Dream.  

Julia Stevens is…  if you’re referring to the EP, then it’s my favourite collection of songs I’ve EVER made!! If you’re referring to the name, Julia Stevens is pretty much the personification of every experience I’ve ever had in love. After I wrote the EP, I realised each song almost detailed an emotion you feel at a particular stage of a relationship. So when I put them all together as a collection, they felt like one romantic rollercoaster. I thought it would be cool to merge them into one timeline, one story, and one girl and Julia Stevens was the perfect fictional fall girl.

Home is… where my cat is, so naturally, my favourite place in the world. I’m also super lucky to live with my siblings and all of our partners right now. We’ve been living together, just the six of us (and three cats), for the past six months, and it feels like one big, laugh-filled sleepover. Soon, my brother’s houses will both be built and we’ll all separate, but for this fleeting moment, it is so wonderful to have this experience. (Thank god we all get along so well). 

I spend too much time… on YouTube. It’s probably my guiltiest pleasure. I could get stuck in a YouTube hole for hours. Actually, I’m not even ashamed of it. I love it. 

I’ve never… understood people who don’t thank you when you let them in front of you while driving???? It’s my biggest pet peeve. I cannot understand how it could be so hard to ~wave~. 

The last couple of years have been… I mean, other than a shitshow for everyone, I would say the most challenging of my life, creatively. I have spent the majority of it creating the Julia Stevens Music Video Series to accompany this EP and that was hands down the BIGGEST project I’ve ever taken on. But I am so happy, relieved, and proud that it’s finally done and out in the world. I can’t wait to have more time to get stuck in YouTube holes again. (lol). 

Keep up to date with Hollie on Insta.

Interview by Bobby Townsend.