Interview: Getting to Know Lilah

Ambient/electronic multi-instrumentalist Lilah has recently dropped her debut single ‘Hold Me’. We asked her to tell us about herself:

I am a human being who loves to play and write music and pretend they know what they are doing, but in reality, feels like they are from another planet and has no clue what’s going on.

‘Hold Me’ is a peek into the constant confusion my head and heart feels about wanting to love someone who loves you but always wanting to be alone. It highlights the contrasting emotions I have. ‘Hold Me’ is also a “love song” to the person who once loved me, but also to myself for proving I really could begin to love myself – flaws and all.

Home is a beautiful coastal town hidden between trees called Noosa. I go between Noosa and Brisbane a lot. I’ve learnt to appreciate the beauty in going back home to work on my music and focus, but I’m also excited for what lies ahead!

I spend too much time steaming sweet potato, working my day job and trying to save money. I know it’s all for a bigger purpose and a path to get me where I want to go so I really can’t complain!

I’ve never been to New York but I have a song written about how intrigued and in love I am with the idea of living there. To me it seems like the centre of everything I’ve ever imagined and wanted, let’s hope I like it as much as I’ve written about!

It might surprise people to learn that I was born in Singapore, my first accent was from Essex, I’m almost blind in my left eye, I toured Australia as an actress for kids’ plays instead of doing school in year 12 but somehow managed to still graduate. I have a tattoo dedicated to my love of Sailor Jerry rum, I spent the last New Year’s Eve in a hostel in Edinburgh watching Harry Potter by myself, and I went to a Steiner in a forest. We used crayons instead of pens and everything I wore was tie-dye.

In the future I’d have released an album about more of my life experiences, I would love to sing on a song with Flume so maybe that will happen. Perhaps I’ll be living in New York City with two pugs (one black, one beige), going out for dinners with Lana Del Rey and sitting in my loft apartment, sipping some Sailor Jerry’s….that would be the life.


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bobby townsend


Interview by Bobby Townsend