Interview: Getting to know WAAX

Brisbane punk band, WAAX are back with a brand new single. We asked them to tell us about themselves. Here’s vocalist Maz:

We are… WAAX! A five piece standard issue rock band from Brisbane. We’re really into trying different natural wines at the moment and enjoy treating ourselves to a nice breakfast on the morning after playing the rock show.

FU is… a song we have just released. It’s a song that needed to happen. It’s about getting the courage to stand up for yourself and what’s right. You know, I used to have a ridiculous self-instated rule earlier on in my career that I wouldn’t swear in my songs, but here we are and I am living for it.

Home is… Brisbane. It’s a great place for us to be based while we travel constantly. We are lucky that so many amazing bands come from here – there’s something about the place that really challenges people creatively.

We spend too much (not enough) time… at Crowbar Brisbane and Sydney. The owners are our best friends and we spend many hours enjoying above mentioned wines and havin a few laffs.

It might surprise people to learn that… our drummer has a new born baby and he is cute as hell. And I run my own graphic design business called PIKL Studio, coz I have the tools to be my own boss.

In the future… we want to continue doing what we do, because we love it. But of course we want to grow and be better versions of ourselves as we ripen with age. I also would like to be a better cook, well, actually learn to cook and stress less – but that’s a personal goal.

Keep up to date with the band at their website:

Interview by Bobby Townsend.