Interview: Getting to know The Faim

The Faim have shared ‘Humans’, the first single from their forthcoming debut album ‘State of Mind. We asked them to tell us about themselves: 

I am.. Stephen Beerkens, bassist/keys player of The Faim.

Humans is.. the lead single from our debut album ‘State of Mind’. The essence of this song is about embracing the traits that make up who you are, and that we all go through struggles and growth as a part of life. ‘Humans’ gives a taste of the sonic progression from our old material, to where our sound is heading with this album and beyond.

Home is.. wherever my family, friends and loved ones are. When the majority of your time is spent on the road, you really value the moments you get to spend with the people you care about the most.

I spend too much time.. watching anime. Just kidding, you can never watch too much anime!

I’ve never.. stopped thinking about my next coffee. On tour, we always try and find the best coffee shops around the city that we’re in. My favourite coffee so far has been from Pelican Coffee in Vienna!

It might surprise people to learn that.. I’ve never seen Star Wars. I love the soundtrack, so I should probably check out the film that goes with it.

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