Getting to know thisisNAMASTE

Scottish artist thisisNAMASTE has just dropped her brand new single, Girl I Got You. We asked her to tell us about herself:

I am… writing this in the midst of a global pandemic. That is not a sentence I ever thought I’d write for an interview question!! To expand however, I am thisisNAMASTE and I’m a singer/songwriter from Scotland. I love pop music, sushi and Gin.

Girl I Got You is… about my constant inner battle with my own anxiety. Sometimes I feel like I am on top of the world and can do anything but then my anxiety can quickly make me doubt all that and feel like I am rubbish!! Haha which I think is a feeling lots of us can relate to. I wrote this song as a little anthem to myself really that I’m not defined by my anxiety and can do anything I put my mind to. I hope its a reminder to others who feel this way sometimes too.

Home is… where I feel content. It’s funny as I feel I have 2 homes. I grew up in Scotland, my family and some of my best friends are there, so that is very much my home and I only need to get one whiff of Scottish air to immediately get that homely feeling. I however have lived in London for the last 10 years, so it is also very much my home and equally, the sound of traffic, and seeing people out and about at any hour also brings that sense of homeliness.

I spend too much time… worrying about stuff I can’t control, scrolling mindlessly on social media and recently, especially in lockdown, I have spent far, far too long painting my nails only to pick it all off a day later and repeat the same process. I mean, the list is probably quite long of things I spent too much time doing.

I’ve never… been to Japan. Its on my list (my very long list) of countries I’d LOVE to go to and will go to one day. Doing lots of touring when I was a backing vocalist, I was fortunate to visit so many amazing countries around the world but unfortunately Japan hasn’t been on that list as of yet. I LOVE Japanese food and I find their culture so fascinating, so yeah, that’ll be really fun to explore.

It might surprise people to learn that… I spend half of my day talking in a Yorkshire accent (a bad one at that). To explain, I’m not a weirdo, well, I am a bit haha, my boyfriend is from Huddersfield and I’ve been trying to mimic his accent for so long that I actually find myself talking in a really thick Yorkshire accent when I’m with him 90% of the time. I still cant work out if he finds it funny or offensive. I’m gonna go with funny.

In the future… as well as continuing touring and songwriting of course, I’d love to open a little cosy local restaurant. When I was younger, my Nonna and Papa used to take us to a little Italian restaurant most weeks and it’s such a nice memory I have. I’d love to replicate a restaurant like that for new families to make happy memories 🙂

Keep up to date with thisisNAMASTE on Insta.

Interview by Bobby Townsend.