Getting to know Isabel Wood

Australian pop artist Isabel Wood has just dropped her latest single, Mind Reader. We asked her to tell us about herself:

I am… really hoping this music thing works out for me because honestly I’m not good at much else. I even crossed ‘Uber driver’ off my contingency plan last night after I got completely lost in a random suburb whilst trying to get home – WITH the help of a GPS! On the bright side, I now know that Diddillibah exists … though I’m not sure how to get back there.

Mind Reader is… a song born out of my frustration with people never saying what they truly think or feel. Like, if I’ve upset you or if you want something, you could save us all a LOT of time by spitting-it-out to begin with rather than me having to draw it out of you! We’re all guilty of telling a little white lie here and there but if someone asks you a question, just answer it truthfully ya feel?

Home is… wherever I feel comfortable. If I’m at your house and looking like an actual zombie or spilling food on the floor (why not have both?) you should really take it as a compliment because that usually means I love you and you feel like home to me.

I spend too much time… in the bathroom – and before your eyes widen and you start to judge me after your brain goes to the obvious, let me explain. I do all my best songwriting and music practice in the bathroom because it just sounds so much better in there. Bathroom acoustics are magic. Also, I do enjoy a relaxing bubble bath at least once a week.

I’ve never… been able to tame my obsession with outer space. Any movie or TV show that has aliens and spaceships I’m down. Everyone who knows me is aware of my ongoing Doctor Who obsession (in particular the 10th doctor, just so we’re clear) and the first song I wrote when I was 15 was about being his companion and traveling in the Tardis together. As you can imagine, my songwriting didn’t start out very strong but at least I can confidently say that it has, fingers crossed, wildly improved!

It might surprise people to learn that… I’m actually super awkward when I first meet people. I’d say it takes at least a year of knowing someone before I can fully be myself around them. A problem that seems to be getting worse as I get older but that’s an issue for another day. Also, this isn’t related at all but I’ve recently discovered a hidden talent of mine – if you show me a super abstract colour, I can 99% of the time tell you what it’s called. Apricot, bisque, eggplant and dirty forest green are just some of my recent successes.

In the future… I hope to still be making music and enjoying five meals a day. Oh and hopefully I’m rich enough to afford to go on a holiday to the moon cause I heard that’s going to be an actual thing one day.

Keep up to date with Isabel on Insta.

Interview by Bobby Townsend.