10 things you didn’t know about Greatest Hits

Australian/English band Greatest Hits are Ryan Cooper, Chelsea Foley and Henry Chatham. They have just dropped their brand new track, Trying. We asked them to tell us some things we might not know about them:

Ryan’s yellow Hagstrom guitar was a custom build for Taylor York (Paramore) who gave it to Ryan after a night of sipping absinthe on his porch.

Ryan’s addicted to gumtree/marketplace/ebay – particularly for used instruments, but also furniture, homewares, cameras etc – “I rarely buy things, but for some reason I’m just curious about what’s out there, and end up scrolling like it’s Instagram”.

Before pursuing music, Chelsea was going to be a stuntwomen.

Ryan was recently in a viral video that got a stupid amount of views.

Henry and Chelsea didn’t meet until the day before our first gig.

Ryan paints the artwork for our releases.

Henry liked the demos Ryan sent him so much that he skipped his (then current) band’s rehearsal to come to the first Greatest Hits rehearsal.

Chelsea once got flown to Rwanda to sing for the President.

Most of the songwriting begins on bass.

Henry is a MASSIVE Prince fan.

Keep up to date with the band on Insta.