10 Things You Didn’t (Need To) Know about A Swift Farewell

Four-piece alternative/pop-punk band from Sydney, A Swift Farewell, have just dropped their new single. We asked them to tell us some facts about the video:

We filmed the music video before we recorded the track, which is definitely different. So we used the demo to play with.

Emma was the only member that actually burnt her clothes! Ryo used teabags to get his grey shirt to go brown.

Ryo is very creepy when he smiles at the camera! You have been warned!

The gorgeous blue colour was inspired by Aqua! We wanted a colour that contradicts to the word ‘Fire.’

Amy McIntosh (Ayemehmac Photography) is the videographer; she filmed the candles burning on her own time. We learned, burning a candle/s during winter, is not the greatest idea; those candles last forever!! (Especially the chicken!)

It took way too long to decide whether to name it ‘Fire’ or ‘The Fire.’

Dwayne and Sarah were both fighting to get their hair highlighted/dyed blue for the music video… Sarah clearly lost.

Dwayne had the blue in his hair done twice for the video and he fell asleep on set.

We shot a scene where Ryo had to take a shower with his clothes on and had to go to a park at night drenched and freezing… And it didn’t make the final cut. Sorry Ryo.

Dwayne had never seen Mean Girls or White Chicks. We watched both films the night we shot the video. He now gets Ryo’s & Emma’s references

Keep up to date with the band on Facebook.