Interview: Getting to know leww

Melbourne-based R&B artist leww has just revealed his new single ‘Show Ya’ featuring Sin Santos. We asked him to tell us about himself:

I am… leww, an up and coming artist from Melbourne who enjoys writing and producing music.

Show Ya is… a song I wrote about my current feelings in life and what I’m aiming for in my future career.

Home is… Melbourne, Australia. For now. 

I spend too much time… fixing things that aren’t broken. 

I’ve never… written a song without having at least three moments of “I’m quitting music” followed by strenuous brainstorming until I realise the lyric I had in the first place was fine.

It might surprise people to learn that… whenever I sing and play the piano in my room my microphone continuously zaps my face whenever I get too close…

Keep up to date with leww on Insta.