Getting To Know ROMderful

The artist is set to release his new album, PLEASE RECONNECT CONTROLLER? this Friday, 28th October. We asked him to tell us about himself:

I am… currently sitting on my neon orange couch at my apartment in Seoul watching my girlfriend play The Sims 4 with a bright green Minecraft controller whilst talking about what food we want to get today and also I just taught her about cheats (she’s new to video games and I think it’s so cute). My left arm is itchy because I just got bitten by a mosquito but it’s okay, the music from The Sims is distracting me so I’m not thinking about it too much 🙂

PLEASE RECONNECT CONTROLLER? is… my movie soundtrack to my movie about getting sucked into a video game and falling in love with a character that isn’t real but everything felt real to me and I enjoyed it whilst it lasted. I guess the memory of it was better than living a lie though…. Right? Honestly kind of inspired by Spy Kids 3 where Juni falls in love with Demetra but she turns out to be “The Deciever” and it was his first love but she was never real 🙁
Ahhh young Juni…. I feel you.

Home is… wherever I feel love, happiness and comfortable. Somewhere I can walk around in a onesie and not be judged because people know that’s what I do. Somewhere I can play video games and blast my favourite albums and drink some white wine.

I spend too much time… either watching people cook steaks on YouTube, Videos about Windows XP, 2000 or some
kinda operating system from that Era, talking about technology or watching nonsensical memes that literally make me cry of laughter….
Ahhh life is chill. haha

I’ve never… been to Sweden but I reeeeeeallly want to go because they have an IKEA HOTEL AND MUSEUM!! WHAAAT! That sounds like so much fun! I love going to IKEA and just spending a whole day there for no reason! Eating meatballs and mashed potatoes and dreaming of a house that I can hopefully build when I’m older and hopefully have more money! Feeling like I’m in a real life version of The Sims build mode and plus, the OG IKEA is in Sweden! I must see it 🙂

The last 18 months have been… probably some of the biggest downs, ups and all directions I’ve ever had in my entire life! Figuring out new things, A lot of new experiences and first times. A lot of being certain of myself and my emotions and the people in my life, A lot of getting rid of the people who weren’t needed or didn’t make me feel good to be around, a lot of new love, new video games and new found happiness, learning from mistakes and bettering myself. A lot of new challenges that I’m rising too and getting better at life and creativity because of them. The past 18 months have… probably been the best 18 months I’ve ever had to be quite honest.

It might surprise people to learn that… I used to be scared of Leeks/Spring Onions as a kid….
I have no idea why, I’d just burst out crying whenever one was brought close to me hahahaha
It’s all good now though, they’re my friends 🙂

PLEASE RECONNECT CONTROLLER? out October 29th via EMA/The Orchard!

Keep up to date with ROMderful on Insta.

Interview by Bobby Townsend.