Interview: Getting to know Ny Oh

NZ-raised artist, and Harry Styles’ touring guitarist, Ny Oh drops her new EP, Ny Oh’s Garden Of Eden, this week. We asked her to tell us about herself:

I am… the most comfortable in times of embracing change. Changing environments is something that I’ve lived with since a young child. I had to learn how to turn hard times into exciting times to keep hope alive. There were points, after moving to London where I let that get me down, but I’m now able to embrace it as a strong personality trait. It’s also informed my songwriting style massively

Ny Oh’s Garden Of Eden is…. a perspective on coming to terms with the beauty and horror of our external world and connecting it to an internal landscape. Drawing metaphorical correlations between the two, in order to feel a sense of identity and purpose in this life. 

Home is… where you choose it to be, my Grandfather once told me. I choose my heart, it’s all I have in an ever changing carousel of countries and couches. My heart will always be fed by the whenua (land) of Aotearoa, New Zealand… so i make sure to check in with it whenever I can. 

I spend too much time… procrastibaking. When I’m staying in a place with a kitchen, I’ll be baking. Don’t get me wrong, I love baking, but I use it as a way to avoid sitting down and working on poetry or music. 

I’ve never… not wanted to boogie! In all seriousness though.. There’s not a lot I’ve never done. A few things i plan on never doing are, murder, bungy jumping or wresting a croc or a great white.

The last couple of years have been… illuminating. Life before these last few years, have retrospectively, felt like a hectic drug trip. And then 2020 hit and we all had the ‘come down’. We all had to face the feelings we’d been ignoring, the patterns we’d been repeating.. To hopefully come to a place of peaceful change. 

Keep up to date with Ny Oh on Insta.