Interview: Getting to know JUNO

Meanjin/Brisbane-based alternative pop duo JUNO have recently revealed their new single, come thru. We asked them to tell us about themselves:

We are… a band called JUNO. We write and produce funky alt-pop songs. If you like BENEE, Remi Wolf and Cosmo’s Midnight, there’s a chance you’ll like us too.

come thru is… our new single! It’s a pop song about wanting to give your all to a relationship, but only if the other person is willing to as well. I’ve had some awful past relationships where I constantly felt like I was giving to people who didn’t give in return. Before entering my current relationship, I was clear to them that if I’m going to commit to this, I need them to show up and support/give me as much I will to them. This song is about wanting a relationship to be a two-way street.

Home is… Meanjin/Brisbane. 

We spend too much time… playing Mario Kart. Sam and I live in a share house with five other musicians who also love it and it can get VERY competitive. Beerio Kart is also a fave.

We’ve never… done anything particularly thrill-seeking, like bungee jumping or falling out of a plane. Just… no.

It might surprise people to learn that… we used to play in a 70s rock band together. That’s how we met. It was a toxic band to be honest, but we came out of it with some really good friends and also with a lot of knowledge on how to NOT run a band.

Keep up to date with JUNO on Insta.