Juggling band life, two jobs and study – by Deadshowws

Central Coast-based punk rock quartet Deadshowws have returned with their latest single, Baltimore. Drummer Darcey Greco shares some tips on staying on top of things:

Playing the drums is a very expensive hobby. I currently work two jobs and study at TAFE all while being in a band, which means unless I take a day/night off, I pretty much work every single day. As a 20-year-old, this is pretty excessive and not really needed but for me mentally I always like to stay busy. Even though I like to stay busy, it is super easy to get overwhelmed, so I wanted to share with you some tips about staying on top of everything.

Take Time For Yourself

When there is so much going on, it is so easy to get overwhelmed and burn out. It is essential to take time for yourself, even just take a day off to do nothing. Don’t think you always have to do stuff on your days off, sometimes you just need a mental recharge day and that’s completely fine.

Don’t Overbook Yourself

When working so much and having so many hobbies, it is so easy to over book your time. Keeping a good schedule helps keep everything organised and less stressful. Structuring your week and time really helps know exactly when you can fit stuff in.

Cherish Your Friends

Although I have a lot on my plate, I will ALWAYS make time to see my friends. It is very important to not completely lose yourself to work and study. Work is not everything, and sometimes (especially when you have anxiety) it seems like it is when you work non-stop. Keeping in constant touch with friends and making sure to plan fun times with them helps break up the crazy schedule.

Look After Your Mental Health

If you are feeling like life is a lot, or you’re having a rough day where you can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong, just take the day off. It’s okay to take it easy on yourself. Working or studying a lot can be really draining and you always need to make sure you are okay and not burning out. I struggled a lot in high school mentally, and now that I am studying again it is very hard to keep up with my mental health. The best thing to do with study is to make sure your teachers are on the same page as you and if you need any help at all, always ask them. It’s their job to help you when you need it. Deadlines are so scary and stressful, so keeping up with assignments is very important, sometimes it isn’t that easy though and it is okay to ask for extensions when you need it, they will understand.

Being in a band has put me through some hard times but I’ve also had some of the greatest experiences of my life because of it. I’ve met some lifelong friends from playing gigs and meeting people in the crowd. Organisation is key for being in a band, I cannot stress this enough. Keeping to a regular schedule for practising and writing helps keep the band tight and moving forward. Also just taking time to hang out as a band is important too, always being there for each other and knowing that they are your best friends, and you can trust them really hits different. You just need to love what you do, stay passionate and always strive to get better and go further.

So overall time management is key, keeping to a good strong schedule is important and making sure you have time to yourself, so you don’t go crazy. It’s easier said than done, but I am so lucky to be doing what I am and I’m super glad that I have the platform to share this with everyone.

Keep up to date with the band on Insta.